Why Don’t They Like Me?

I would often ask myself this question whenever someone didn’t seem to “click” with me. I mean how can you not “like” me? I’m a ball of sunshine with a touch of honey! *Flips crochet* Lol!

Well I have FINALLY come to the realization that not everyone will be my best friend, or my biggest advocate. Not everyone will “get” me,  and quite frankly, not everyone will smile when I walk their way! No need to waste time putting a label on it.  Sometimes it just is what it is, and that’s OK! No longer will I worry about who doesn’t like me, nor will I worry about trying to make them. I will move forward and live my fabulous life!

You may have just met someone, or may have been trying to connect with a new friend/mentor, and it just hasn’t worked out!  Don’t feed into those distracting thoughts that try to convince you that there is something wrong with you… No! You are just right the way God made you!

Everyone won’t be your biggest fan and that’s OK…

Be kind and  LIVE ON


*Quote; Liz Ryan;, “Ten Things I Couldn’t Care Less About When I’m Hiring”

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