“Wonderfully Made” #IAFAWM

fullsizerIn a world that is utterly obsessed with perfection, it’s  so easy to get caught up in the hype. We consume so much throughout the day, that when we finally look in the mirror we often pick at those things that are seen as less than perfect… my nose is too big, my hair is too thin, my thighs are too thick… and the list goes on and on. Subsequently we strive to fit into society’s “perfect” mold, all in the name of being “Beautiful”… as if perfection were the prerequisite for such a title.  It’s a viscous cycle that I’ve known all too well.

But let me share something amazing with you… a powerful truth that will SET YOU FREE!

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well” Psalms 139:14 (NKJV)

Yaass! When you truly begin to understand this powerful verse, you’ll never look at yourself the same again. When you look in the mirror,  You will finally see what God see, a MARVELOUS WORK OF ART! You’ll see a unique, and beautiful woman of God who doesn’t need to seek the approval of society (or a man) to see and know her true beauty.   Listen, when this verse came to life in my situation,  I stopped seeing dirt, and I started seeing flecks glitter! Seriously!  I’m convinced that God made lil ole’ me with an extra sprinkle of sparkle dust, lol! And He did just the same when He created you… you are special and set apart, created for His pleasure!

So the next time you look in the mirror, don’t you dare pick out your “flaws”. Don’t do it! Instead, speak this verse over your life like the most powerful affirmation you’ve ever created! Ask God to show you the beauty He placed within each and everyone one of us when we were created!  And when He shows you, believe Him and give thanks!

Marvelous are His works, and this your soul must know very well!

Challenge: If you know just how marvelous you are, I challenge you to proclaim that over your life in your next selfie post! Connect with me on IG and Twitter (@reese__dennis), and tag #IAFAWM (“I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”) to let me know you believe it!  Let your girlfriends know, pass along this beautiful truth, you never know who needs it at this very moment!

Be encouraged ladies!


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