Behind the Smile | Let’s talk about it!

I posted these two images on IG and I’m sure many of my followers weren’t sure what the actual emphasis was regarding “How it started vs. how it’s going”

In both pictures, from the outside looking in:

✨I look happy

✨Dreams  is happy, and clearly cared for

✨mom life looks good on me! right?! 

You see social medial will do that to you. Make you look like you have it all together when in reality you are fading fast behind the scenes.

That was me. Behind the smile, in the first image I was struggling. I was struggling with my purpose, and how to “balance” it all… my home, my child, my marriage, my businesses…etc! It was a lot. I was all over the place, I cringed at the word “schedules”, and quite frankly I didn’t think anyone could really relate to my situation. Yes, I had moms who prayed for me, offered amazing advice along the way…and moms I could call on (an often did) when I felt myself spiraling! But even with all of that, I so stuck, and my limiting beliefs were running the show. smh.

I remember distinctly having a conversation with my business accountability partner, telling her all the things “I can’t” do because I’m a mom! Listen, my husband goes out to work all day, my family lives miles away so it’s just me… and I convinced myself that there wasn’t enough time in a day to do anything other than “mom stuff”. Even though I knew I wanted M.O.R.E!!!  I literally talked myself out of the overflow God desired for me, simply because I couldn’t see past my current place of overwhelm. 

You see you can never manifest overflow, when you’re stuck in overwhelm. 

And for me that overwhelm became unbearable! I’ve shared this story several times, but I had a serious mommy moment on my bathroom floor… crying out to God saying “If You don’t take over, I’m not gonna make it”.

It was a true moment of surrender. It was not pretty… but oh my God I’m so thankful!

Since that moment, I’ve been doing the work to get my life in alignment. I had to address and dismantle the limiting beliefs that I’d let guide me in my mom journey, and begin to apply the principles of God’s word to implement systems and strategies  to create not only the harmony I desire in my life as a whole mom, but also to ensure that I never SIT in overwhelm or struggle again!

Will challenges come? Yes! Any mom who says otherwise is a whole lie… lol. We are moms, and things happen that are out of our control. This has nothing to do with perfection, and being in control of everything momma! The perfect mom life doesn’t exist! If it did we wouldn’t need God! What I’m talking about has everything to do with alignment, and learning how to remain in a place of victory throughout the seasons of motherhood! It’s possible, I’m a witness!

I’m super pumped for tomorrow evening! My self and some other mommas are gathering for an intimate training, where I’ll be sharing my proven 5-step process to overcome the overwhelm! This is the very process has transformed not only who I am as a mom, but more importantly who I am as a woman and child of God!


I’m confident in my abilities as a whole mom. I can now say without hesitation “I’m a great momma, and I deserve the best”

I’ve given myself permission to unapologetically manifest overflow in my life. No more waiting and wishing, I’m claiming and manifesting EVERYTHING I DESIRE!

I’ve created routines and systems that support the work/life  harmony that is my promise as a mom! My life is in alignment, and the areas of my life from being a wife, business owner… even my wardrobe… all work in together and are in agreement!

I’ve overcome mom guilt, overwhelm and burn out, and have strategies in place to help me to remain in a place of victory. God does not want me to sit in overwhelm, I am His daughter and I am more than a conqueror!

I am now a top priority in my life, and give of myself from a place of overflow. I make time for me, and hold the space to process, grow, learn, shift, release, receive and feel all that is needed on this journey of being. I love myself, and treat myself with the utmost care, love and respect.

I really don’t have much else to say, except to extend an invitation for you to join us! With just hours left before registration closes, I don’t want you to miss out! So click below to register today! 

You don’t have to sit in overwhelm, and I’m here to guide you to the other side!

Can’t wait to see you there!


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