3 Surefire Ways to Stay on Track

Let me just start by saying that the past few months have been ELECTRIFYING! The momentum has been immeasurable, the excitement tangible, and all of those around me seem to be going after their due portion in life. Well, now that we are nearly 4 months into this new year, it is so important that we “check-in” on our goals! And I’m here to share with you 3 surefire ways to help you stay on track as you bring your vision to fruition

1) Review your Goals: Many of us have our vision boards and journals with our goals spelled out. We put a tremendous amount of thought into making our goals actionable and attainable.  Well, with all that thought and effort, when was the last time you looked at those well crafted bullet points? Truth be told, you’ve probably relied so heavily on your mental notes to keep you on track, that you never thought to look at what you’ve written. Today, take it a step further and make the time to review your (written) goals, frequently!  Pray over them and add an affirmation to each goal to make it even more meaningful and attainable! There is power in your words!  If you haven’t taken the time to write your goals on paper, there is no better time than right now to get started. “Write the Vision” and review it! 

2) Celebrate and Document your Progress:  As we pursue our goals for the year, take the time to celebrate those “small” victories that lead to the ultimate checkmate!  Maybe your goal for this year is to start your business.  You haven’t had your first client yet, but you’ve developed your mission statement, narrowed in on your “niche market”, and purchased your LLC. These are all victories worth noting! Perhaps you’re on a weight loss journey, and your goal is to lose 30 lbs this year. You haven’t lost the whole 30 yet, but you’ve shed 11 lbs and have significantly changed your lifestyle! You’re eating healthier, and have become accustomed to working out regularly! Come on, sistah! Sound that ALARM! Document your progress, and celebrate your success!  

3) Revise your Strategy: After you’ve review your goals and celebrated your progress, I encourage you to revisit your strategy; the blue print set in place to help you bring about those desired results. You may need to change some things, and that’s OK!  Take a look at what’s working, and do more of that! On the flip side, take a look at the challenges you’re facing, and take the time to evaluate. These past few months have really challenged me to dig deeper and pray harder! I tried some things, struggled through a few others and at times it got a bit discouraging. But I took the time to celebrate my courage, and revised my course of action! Now, I’m refocused  and confidently moving forward! Take a note from my book, and don’t be afraid to shift gears. You never know, that one small change can bring about amazing results in your life!



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