Fierce 5đź’ŤMarriage Series | Shani McKenzie

I'm so excited about our first feature, Shani McKenzie, and she is spilling the TEA! Married for 15 years, check out what she has to say about being a "husband-pleaser", submission, and waiting on God to send you the "ONE"! 

The Fierce 5 Marriage Series is Back!

✨5 Women✨5 Questions✨5 Different perspectives✨  Ladies, The Fierce 5 Marriage Series is back! And y'all already know I'm HYPED! Starting MAY 1st, leading up to my wedding anniversary (May 30th... go #teamDennis), we will feature a member of the “Fierce 5” 2019. With another stellar line up, this year we switched things up a bit. Not … Continue reading The Fierce 5 Marriage Series is Back!

Saved, Snatched & Wifed Up | Appreciation Rant| Tell Him Sis

Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing some of the lessons, I've been learning as a wife (per usual). A few weeks ago, while my hubby was recovering from a cold... I got a real picture of just how much this man does for me! Click below, to hear all about it! Be sure to share with someone who needs it, and be encouraged! 

Make The Time | #marriedlife

Over the past month, I've been sharing more and more about the importance of the day Thursday, with some of my married friends. "What's so important about this day", you ask? Well this is my standing "date-day" with my Boo Bear, and it's off limits. Keem and I learned early in our marriage just how … Continue reading Make The Time | #marriedlife

🎥 Video | My “Fierce 5” Reflection; Give Your Husband Your Best

Hey ladies! Happy "Fierce 5"đź’Ť follow up Friday ! Deaconess Michele brought the FIRE... and... per usual, I had to come back to share my transparent thoughts, and reflections. So much to say, not enough time to say it all! Enjoy, SHARE and BE ENCOURAGED!Â